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Student Highlight:  Izaiah Simmons

Izaiah started training in 2019. He truly loves Tang Soo Do which has impacted his life and who he is as a person. As a blue belt (black belt candidate) he has more responsibilities as compared to other belts, but Tang Soo Do has taught him to be accountable. Coming up soon he will be testing for his black belt which will start his journey to become an assistant instructor one day.  Tang Soo!
Congratulations to Timothy for being awarded the Trustworthiness Award at school!  Teachers can rely on him and he helps other students.  It is like a being a good citizen at school.  His mom credits his martial arts training and experience at Texas Tang Soo Do as a contributing factor.  Keep up the excellent work!!  Tang Soo!
Congratulations to Elijah for receiving a FREE month of lessons as part of our Student Referral Program!!  His buddy Ethan recently joined our program.  Way to go!!
Student Highlight:  
Valentino reached a major milestone this past March Gup Belt Test!  He received his Red Belt which is considered to be in the advanced rank.   

In his words “I started karate two years ago, for me it was a cool experience taking karate lessons.  I got stronger since I started and got more active.  The belt is not just a belt.  It is a symbol of knowledge, integrity, and control.  Karate has pushed me to my limits but now I can do more than what I did 12 months ago.  Tang Soo Do has taught me how to fight and defend myself.  I am aiming high to Black Belt.  It has influenced me and so many others.”
Here are the Grandchampions of the 2024 Alamo Challenge Invitational Tournament.

Youth Gup: Maitri Sharma from Roundrock Karate Academy
Adult Gup: Saurabh Gupta from Roundrock Katate Academy 
Black Belt: Brandon Bustillos from Roundrock Karate Academy 

Wow!  It is a sweep by Round Rock Karate Academy!  Congratulations to the winners!
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