When: Saturday, March 22, 2025
Where: The St. George Maronite Gym
6070 Babcock Rd, San Antonio, TX 78240  (map)


Click Here to register online for the Alamo Challenge Tournament (Link will take you to the online registration page)

This event is not sanctioned by, sponsored or affiliated with in any other way, the WTSDA.

Apply Online Link!

Other links:

Dear Students & Parents:

I would like to invite you to our 17th Annual Alamo Challenge Tournament. I encourage all of our martial arts family members to join us for this day of friendly competition and camaraderie. This event provides Tang Soo Do and other martial arts practitioners within the surrounding area an opportunity to compete with oneself as well as enjoying camaraderie among fellow martial artists. The main goal is to have fun with your extended martial arts family.

This tournament is not a contest rather it is a demonstration of self and an opportunity to learn with others. I am sure you will enjoy this event and discover many good things about yourself. As a reminder, everyone will conduct themselves with pride and honor as well as obey all rules and regulations. As such, anyone who does not obey the rules of conduct will be escorted off the premises of the event. Judges and all volunteers are expected to execute their assignment in a professional manner. 

As always, we will be providing many divisions, and all participants 10 years old and younger will receive a participation medal. Grand Champion trophies will be awarded as follows:

Adult Gup
Youth Gup
Black Belt Grand Champion

In addition, there will be breaking and creative weapons competition.

Early registration is available through Saturday, February 1, 2025. All applications must be submitted by the final deadline of Saturday, March 8, 2025. Be sure you adhere to the deadlines if you wish to compete. We will not accept any applications after the final deadline date.

We ask all Black Belts who will be attending to complete the volunteer portion of the application to assist with judging, scorekeeping, timekeeping or other duties. Judges and ring assignments will be determined in advance and posted at the Tournament site. All studio owners should report their Black Belts who can be assigned to judging duties via email to the Judging Coordinator by March 8, 2025.

Thank you for your support and participation at this major event!

Tang Soo!!

Senior International Master Patrick West, 7th Dan
Texas Tang Soo Do San Antonio

Important Tournament Information

Pre-Order T-shirts

Only a handful of sizes will be available for purchase the day of the Championship. Order your t-shirt with your registration and pick it up at the Merchandise table.

Scholarship Donation

Scholarship Donations are possible during the registration process. Our Scholarship awards exist only through the support of donations from events, studios, studio members and families. Every donation helps to ensure that we can continue to support our students’ future educational goals.

Campus Rules to Know About

Please be advised of the following:

  • The St. George Maronite Campus is a “Tobacco Free Campus”.  No smoking, chewing tabacco, E-Cigs, or any other tobacco type product anywhere on campus.  This includes the outsides of buildings.
  • The St. George Maronite Campus is a “Weapons Free Campus”.  All weapons must be DULL training weapons. NO EXCEPTIONS. 
  • Any area designated as “Off Limits” both inside and outside of the Athletic Center by campus or tournament staff must be adhered to by all visitors.  Violators will be asked to leave campus.


The Alamo Challenge Tournament is an invitational event.  All competitors, instructors and their studios must have been invited and are considered to be in good standing with Texas Tang Soo Do San Antonio.


Rules and regulations governing the Championship are based upon the recognized rules of the World Tang Soo Do Association (WTSDA) as listed in the WTSDA Rule Book (link to PDF file).  Being an invitational tournament with non-WTSDA participants, any modifications will be reviewed during the Judges meeting on the day of the event.

This event is not sanctioned by, sponsored or affiliated with in any other way, the WTSDA.


  • Forms (Hyungs)
  • Sparring (Dae Ryun)
  • Traditional Weapon Forms
  • Creative Weapon Forms
  • Breaking

Division numbers will be assigned after all competitor applications have been received.


  • Traditional Weapons are defined as staff (bong), knife (dan gum), and Korean/Katana sword (jang gum).
  • Creative Weapons may include nunchuckas, escrima sticks, kamas, fan, rope, cane, etc.
  • Form may be a traditional or creative form.
  • Student must be a 4th gup or higher.
  • This is NOT a team form. Must be a solo competitor.
  • No ‘live’ blades, no sharp weapons. Training weapons only!



1. Wood, a minimum of 1″ x 12″, cut to the following minimum lengths

a. Children (gup) under 10 years – 6″ – maximum 1 board breaks
b. Children (gup) 10 through 16 years – 8″ – maximum 2 board breaks
c. Adults (gup) 17 years & over – 10″ – competitor’s choice on number of boards
d. Black Belts, regardless of age, must use 10″ minimum – competitor’s choice on number of boards

2. If cinder blocks are used as supports, competitor must supply a protective covering for the floor.


Contestant need to provide own holders. Volunteers may be recruited from the competition contestants, keeping in mind adults and/or Black Belts need to be used primarily.


1. There will be a maximum of 3 techniques to a presentation

2. There will be a maximum three tries per technique for gup students, two tries per technique
for Dan members

3. Time Limit:

a. Set-up = 3 minutes
b. Presentation = 2 minutes


  • Tiny Tigers/Little Dragons (7 years & under)
  • Youth (to age 17)
  • Adult (18 years to older)


  • Traditional White Uniforms are only permitted.
  • All sparring competitors must have the following gear in order to compete:
    • padded hands
    • padded feet
    • padded head gear
    • mouthpiece
    • groin protection


Early registration is available through Saturday, February 1, 2025. All applications must be submitted by the final deadline of Saturday, March 8, 2025. Be sure you adhere to the deadlines if you wish to compete. We will not accept any applications after the final deadline date.

Submitted By:        
No T-shirts
ordered after 02/21
Competing Group02/01/202502/21/202503/08/2025
Tiny Tigers/Little Dragons             $40.00$50.00$60.00
Youth/Adult (Gup & Dan)$60.00$70.00$80.00
Creative Weapon$10.00$10.00$10.00

Pre-registration is MANDATORY, and all applications must be SUBMITTED by the deadline dates. There will be no refunds issued for any reason.


We would greatly appreciate your assistance in making this event successful. Black Belts in particular are encouraged to show their pride and honor by helping to ensure we have a safe and fun event. You can signup online to volunteer!


Click Here to register online for the Alamo Challenge Tournament (Link will take you to the online registration page)

This event is not sanctioned by, sponsored or affiliated with in any other way, the WTSDA.

Apply Online Link!

Other links: