WTSDA Mission

The World Tang Soo Do Association (WTSDA) was established to provide quality instruction in the ancient art of Tang Soo Do and to help students improve their appreciation of life through the development of physical and cognitive skills, and to promote overall well-being for the communities in which it serves, through a curriculum of discipline and exercise, focused on the core values of an ancient form of martial arts.

Texas Tang Soo Do Mission

Texas Tang Soo Do is dedicated to provide a fun and safe learning environment for individuals of all ages to promote better health, self-defense, and character development through the provision of high quality instruction in the traditional art of Tang Soo Do; in so doing, Texas Tang Soo Do seeks to be the martial arts provider of choice for families to reach their maximum potential so that they can be a positive influence in their home, at school, at work, and within their community.

Parent's Mission

I intend to support the development of all students in a positive manner, and to avoid anything that would reduce their desire and ability to succeed.

I intend to be actively involved in my child's growth in order to bring out their full potential thus fostering a more positive relationship.

I will make my participation constructive and creative, directing efforts toward the school goal of Belt Belt Excellence.

Student Mission

I intend to develop self-discipline in order to bring out the best in myself and in others.

I intend to develop myself in a positive manner and avoid anything that would reduce my mental growth or my physical health.

i intend to use what I learn in class constructively and defensively:  to help myself and my fellow man  and never be abusive or offensive.

Student Creed

To Build Ture Confidence through Knowledge in the Mind, Honesty in the Heart and Strength in the Body.

To Keep Friendships with One Another and to help Build a Strong and Happy Community.

Never Fight to Achieve Selfish Ends but to Achieve Might For Right.

Our Instructors
